Get Your Desired Look With Long Lasting Hair Extensions

Get Your Desired Look With Long Lasting Hair Extensions

If you have hair extensions, then you must have spent a lot of time as well as money. If you want to get high quality hair, you definitely cannot dream of getting them in low cost. The great amount of time you and your stylist have spent in making your hair look beautiful, have resulted in giving your hair long lasting extensions. Here are some of the steps you can have to extend the life of your hair extensions.


Whenever you select shampoo, make sure it is sulfate free and has moisturizing contents in it, so that your hair are not left dry. Also, excessive washing decreases the life of your hair extensions. So, you only need to wash them twice or thrice a week. If your hair extensions are colored, try not to run them through hot water. Use lukewarm water with color safe shampoos and conditioners.

Conditioning your hair after shampoo

After washing always remember to deep condition your hair. Whenever you use conditioner, always remember to use more of them towards the tips and try to stay away from the roots. Leave the conditioner in your hair for five to ten -minutes and then rinse it off. Pat dry your hair with dry towel and avoid rubbing them. Therapists also suggests applying hair mask once in a week , this will deep condition your hair.


There are special brushes available in the market which are specially designed to be used with extensions. These combs are designed in such a way that it does not pull or tug bonds. It is advisable that while you comb your hair, hold them from the roots and then comb them to minimize the breakage and hair damage.

Heat styling equipment are the enemy of hair with extensions. Using blow dryer to dry your hair after shower can damage your hair. Try to dry your hair naturally. Whenever you are using any heat tool, always use heat protectant serum. Always consult a reputed hair salon for fetching tips on hair extensions.

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